Monday, February 1, 2010

Coming Clean

Alright, there is something that most of you guys don't know about my past. For my senior year and for most of my freshman year of college I had a bad habbit of chew. It was a bad thing to get into. I got started on it hard core around mid febuary my senior year. A lot of it was just the people I was around. Small town Nebraska hanging out with farm boys it was probably bound to happen eventually especially since my brother is still a chewer. When I started chewing I hadn't planned on becoming a music major. It mostly just happened that way. I kept my dirty habbit a secret from pretty much everyone, but now I am very happy to say that the habbit is gone. It took sometime but the other day I was reminded of my old habbit when a highschool buddy offered me a dip and I didn't feel the same urge that used to be there. The biggest set back that it has had on my playing is that my emboucher is weak in my lower lip. It is going to take a long time to get the control and the strength back. I think though that things are finally on the right path for getting everything fixed.

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